• Delighted to have you with us again this year! Thank you for taking part.
  • This page is only for your group – please do not share elsewhere as these are real residents and there are only so many available.
  • Your group have been allocated 41 residents in County Galway.
  • If you cannot fulfil all allocated, please let us know before Friday, December 13th and we may be able to re-allocate. Thank you.
  • Your Representative: Noreen Coleman

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If you need some additional assistance, please email [email protected], thank you!

  • Once you checkout – check EMAIL IMMEDIATELY. Move it out of spam/junk if it has gone there or it will autodelete on you. Lost emails cannot be retrieved later and your resident will be disappointed. Screen shot the address and all information or write it down immediately to avoid lost emails.
  • Buy or craft your own gift for your resident. There are generic ideas listed HERE including what not to get.
  • Wrap or package your carepack (we do not provide special packaging – please see FAQ)
  • Address your carepack AS SUPPLIED and include the STAFF member’s name (please see FAQ)
  • Take to Post Office and post for FREE (if <1kg OR pay post in full if >1kg). Alternatively you can hand-deliver to the Care Home reception desk, but please do not request to meet the residents.
  • We welcome photographs of your group taking part. Please only send us images that we have permission to share on our social media.
  • This is a giving initiative run by volunteers with over 20,000 carepacks involved, so please keep in mind that you will not receive confirmation that your carepack was received or that you resident liked your carepack.
  • Residents have the opportunity to provide their name when they sign up, many choose to just use their gender or room number. Residents also have the option to include personal information about what they might like in their carepack. If they provided information it is supplied to you with resident details, if you do not receive personal additional information then we recommend choosing some suggestion from the generic ideas list provided HERE. Thank you.
  • Please note that we are volunteers and we are not part of benevity.com/causes.

Special thanks to Galway Rural Development who sponsor this website

Special thanks to An Post for FREE POST